Sunday, July 14, 2013

Showcasing Awesome Tech-Integration Projects

Project Showcase:

Lakeland's Poetry in the Park

Authentic learning is important to Mrs. Pittinger’s Third Graders. Last spring, students' poetry was hung in trees at Central Park in Lewisville for park visitors to read and enjoy.

The poems were written by the students, using a free-verse “start-stop” format and apps like Instant Poetry. Customized images using apps like DoodleBuddy and Skitch were created by students to illustrate their work. Additionally, QR codes, with an invitation for readers to post comments on the Class’ Blogsite and to listen to audio recordings of the poems were included.

This project enabled students to create and publish free-verse poems for an authentic audience, while strengthening their writing skills. By writing letters to the Central Park Manager, requesting permission to post their work, students also learned how to interact with city government.

The students enjoyed this opportunity to share their public art with the community of Lewisville.

Sample student poem:  Recorded using QR Voice